Eleven Unexpected, Chic Home Styling Ideas

Hello my lovely friends! How are you? Hope you all had a great Mother's Day weekend. Things have been so hectic in my part of the world lately that I’ve missed several weeks of posting.  I never like to be missing in action for weeks at a time so hopefully my schedule will calm down moving forward and I can focus on what I truly love to do—blog! This past week I was perusing through Jonathan Adler’s book, 100 Ways to Happy Chic Your Life, and found it quite entertaining. I really appreciate his embrace-what-you-love take on life, a mantra that’s clearly evident in his quirky, irreverent, and super chic décor. The book was filled with great tips, and got me thinking about a few of the quirky and unexpected, yet chic home styling ideas I love. Here are a few.

home styling

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My favorites are numbers 2, 4, 6, 7, and 10, and I actually plan to try them out in my new home. What are some fun, unexpected home ideas you'd love to try?


Personality Traits and Dress: Narcissistic Style
