Confessions of a Design-Loving Mom

So today I have my mom hat on, and I'm telling secrets. Here it goes (taking a deep breath). I watch children's television shows for the interiors. Am I the only one? Along with the joys of parenthood come it's many challenges— not the least of which is having to endure endless hours of Nick and Disney Jr. YES. I know all the Fresh Beat Band songs (which by the way are very catchy) and recently caught myself engrossed in an episode of Sophia the First (I know). And I actually like Yo Gabba Gabba even though my kids have somewhat moved on from that. You get my point. But early on in my parenting career, I discovered how cute some of the set interiors were. From modern to charming, children's television shows are a surprisingly good  resource for decorating ideas. And I think that's what allows me to tolerate them a little bit longer. Can you relate? I've identified a few children's shows that have  inspired me, and collated some interiors and house items I think capture the aesthetic of the shows. Take a look.


{print/wallpaper/vintage kid's room/storage}

Charlie and Lola is a very cute British children's  show. I've actually never paid attention to the story lines, but I definitely notice the beautiful Illustrations, retro vibe, and super cute British accents. Very sweet and quirky indeed.



I don't think this show comes on anymore, but I used to love watching the outrageous colors and patterns. The decor had a little touch of grandma-chic and really conveyed a refreshing sense of humor that matched Pinky's zany and fun personality perfectly.


{lamp/mobile/crib/book/left room/right room}

I love this character. Olivia is both witty and neurotic, and makes me chuckle. I also love the modern and clean look of the show.

The Backyardigans

{wallpapered room/dresser/white room/bunk beds/nursery}

These little ones are so precocious and cute. They too have catchy songs. The 3D interiors are always crisp and detailed, like this all-white one.

Tom and Jerry

{nursery/book/bedroom/child-sized sofa}

My children  just started watching Tom and Jerry. It's a little adult for them, but I think they get it because there are no words. I love looking at the vintage interiors, with it's saturated 1940's and 50's technicolor.

All in all, I really enjoy finding inspiration from these unexpected sources. What children's television shows inspire you to think creatively?